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Recitals of Ethics and Poetry


Ahora también os podeis conectar on-line a las tertulias que se realicen, mediante este enlace:
Tertulia de Ética y poesía: LINK EN LA SALA DEL MEET
Ara també us podeu connectar on-line a les tertúlies que es realitzin, mitjançant aquest enllaç:
Tertúlia d'Ètica i poesia: LINK A LA SALA DEL MEET
Now you can also connect online to the gatherings that take place, through this link:
Ethics and poetry gathering: LINK IN THE MEET ROOM

Poetry and freedom

Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 15th Of March, 2024
Place: Ateneu Barcelonés (see map)

Poetry and freedom: %%100 years of the surrealist manifesto. %%%%March 15 at 7:00 p.m. at the Ateneo Barcelonés

Ethics and Poetry Gathering

Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 16th Of February, 2024
Place: Ateneu Barcelonés (see map)

The writer Miquel-Lluís Muntané will accompany us in this gathering. %%Remember to register by email guillemvallejo@gmail.com

Ethics and Poetry Gathering

Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 19th Of January, 2024
Place: Ateneu Barcelonés (see map)

We are waiting for you at the Barcelona Athenaeum

Ethics and Poetry Gathering

Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 17th Of November, 2023
Place: Ateneu Barcelonés (see map)

The new edition of our gathering will take place soon.

Ethics and Poetry Gathering

Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 27th Of October, 2023
Place: Ateneu Barcelonés (see map)

New edition of our gathering held at the Barcelona Athenaeum

Ethic and Poetry gathering

Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 16th Of June, 2023
Place: Ateneu Barcelonés (see map)

We have a great guest poet, Sonia Moll, who will talk to us about `The spell of the word`, how poetry helps us overcome difficult moments in life and is a good refuge from the adversity. We hope you can enjoy it in person or through the link https://meet.google.com/nrc-hjen-ocs

Gathering of Ethics and Poetry

Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 17th Of February, 2023
Place: Ateneu Barcelonés (see map)

Lights and shadows in the poetry of Pablo Neruda, on the 50th anniversary of his death.%%The elegy has been one of the lyrical compositions that has best expressed the pain of loss. Two examples are Rilke´s Duino Elegies and Carles Riba´s Bierville Elegies. Transforming adversity, sometimes through war itself, with art, into poetic expression will be the great theme of our talk. This will include an introduction and recitation of poems from these great elegies that will invite us to talk about the function of poetry in times of uncertainty and war.

Gathering of Ethics and Poetry

Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 20th Of January, 2023
Place: Ateneu Barcelonés (see map)

The affirmation of desire in Cavafy´s poetry

Ethic and Poetry gathering

Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 18th Of November, 2022
Place: Ateneu Barcelonés (see map)

We celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Ethic and Poetry gatherings by reviewing some of the poets treated during this long road that already implies having held a hundred gatherings.

ESCRIVIURE Social gathering

Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 17th Of December, 2021
Place: Ateneu Barcelonés (see map)

On December 17, in a face-to-face and online version, a new edition of our Ethics and Poetry gathering will take place.

Gathering of ethics and poetry

Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 21th Of Maig, 2021
Place: Ateneu Barcelonès (see map)

You are invited to the gathering about Felicia Fuster and the heroism of living, on the centenary of her birth. As always, the gathering will be accompanied by a talk about the work of Felícia Fuster with a poetic recital by the poet Guillem Vallejo.

Gathering dedicated to Bécquer

Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 16th Of April, 2021
Place: Ateneu Barcelonès (see map)

Gathering held from the Ateneu Barcelonès, which can be followed by online videoconference about the dialogue between the arts in Bécquer´s poetry

Gathering of ethics and poetry

Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 19th Of February, 2021
Place: Ateneu Barcelonès (see map)

Friday 19, at 19:00, new gathering, this time: ON-LINE. (link: https://meet.google.com/ast-oruf-xhh) by Guillem Vallejo, with the title: Pandemic and Poetry

Gathering of ethics and poetry

Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 18th Of January, 2019
Place: Ateneu Barcelonès (see map)

This past Friday at the Ethics and Poetry gathering we talked about ´Poetry as a testimony of horror´, remembering Primo Levi on the centenary of his birth. Death and literature have gone hand in hand from Scheherezade, the main narrator of The Thousand and One Nights, to the last words of Tabucchi, addressed to his son in what was his last story, to give only two examples. In our gathering, however, we talked about a writer, a graduate in Chemistry, who did not know that he would be a writer and that words came to him as a need, as an urgent need to overcome forgetfulness and horror. This time we have the chance to hear the poetry of Primo Levi in ??Italy, thanks to the participation of Francesca Idrali, whom I also thank here for his words commenting on the survival of Levi in ??Turin, and how he remembers it. In addition to the enriching interventions of the tertulianos, when it had already finished the social gathering, before a cups of hot chocalate in that cold night, Eileen, a tertuliana, spoke to us of another horror, the one that they lived in Argentina during the Pinochet dictatorship, how Prisoners communicated from noise in the walls to maintain that thread of humanity that dictators have always tried to break. In ´If this is a man´, Levi opened the first novel of the Auschwitz trilogy, with a poem, overwhelming, testimony, a clear reminder of how we never have to forget that beyond the laws, often unjust, there are men. That hatred is never the solution, nor is it forgotten.

´You live safe
In your heated houses,
Those you find when you return at dusk
Hot dinner and friendly faces:
You consider if this is a man,
Who works in the mud
Who does not know peace
Who fights for a piece of bread (...)

Primo Levi